Do You Have A Work/Lifestyle Balance?
OR Simply Stuck in a Rut?

Could Becoming A Driving Instructor …..
Be A Solution For You?
Work Locally | Choose The Days and Hours You Work | Be Your Own Boss
(Explore the possibility with this FREE 60 page book)
The book will cover the following:
The current situation in the industry
Qualification to become a driving instructor
The Pro’s and Con’s
What happens now you are qualified?
What’s it really like?
Real case studies from working driving instructors
Choice of tuition vehicle?
Personal satisfaction
Are you suitable?
Beware the hidden cost of cheap!

60 Page Physical Book
Sent In the Post For FREE
(This is not a typical PDF)
At this early stage, it’s just a thought that you may wish to explore further.
It’s not my intention to persuade or influence, but merely run the idea by you. Many people request the book and after reading decide it’s not for them and that is exactly why I like to send the book out. At least you have explored the possibility and you can continue your search for a solution to your work/lifestyle balance.
Many people read the book and then wish to explore further by having a meet up to see how they would fit into the team once qualified.
We send a lot of books out to the local Shoreham area and that helps us to find new people who wish to pursue this career change and join us at the school.
Requesting the book can be life changing and it might be life changing for you also!
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Simply add your postal details to the form and book will be sent the next day.
Whatever you decide, I appreciate your visit and hope you find what you are looking for.
Warm regards,
Andrew Smith – Owner Drive Sussex Driving School.
Read More OR Order Book Below
I came into this industry in 2000 after many years of working for other people.
What attracted me most is driving instructors are generally self-employed. This gives me choice. I can work as much or as little as I have to. The flexibility allows me to fit my work around my life. If I want to increase my earnings I can simply take on more learners or I can choose to have time off to spend with friends and family on other interests.
I especially enjoy not having to work as an employee for someone else. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.
It Would Seem That I Am not Alone!
Of course, I am not alone and have had chance to meet with people that have similar stories to tell.
I have had the opportunity to meet a very diverse group of people, from Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Next, Halfords and a mixture of coffee shops.
Although this group of people may seem very different, they all have one thing in common.
They are either “owned” by their job and their employers or they lack any type of job satisfaction, recognition or long-term prospects.
Some of the people that I have met have extremely demanding jobs and the huge salaries to match but at some stage, the constant demands often place a strain on family life.
Others will find themselves in mundane jobs where they often spend 50 weeks of the year looking forward to their annual holiday and tolerate a mind numbing and often unrewarding existence.
Going to work on a Monday morning and wishing it was Friday is sadly the norm for many as life passes them by.
The Decision That Completely Changed My Life
If I revert back to my own story and look at what finally made me take some action, it was no more than a simple ad in a newspaper, with the heading – Become a driving instructor.
I remember that exact moment to this very day but little did I know that it was about to change my entire life.
I called the ad number and made an appointment for August 25th.
I attended the interview and I immediately knew this would-be life changing.
Finally, A New Start After Wasting Many Years Of My Life.
I qualified as an approved driving instructor in May 2000.
I set off to work on the Monday and for the first time in many years, I knew I would be home later that day at a time of my choosing.
During the past 17 years, I have been able to completely control the days and times I work, I have holidays whenever I choose them without asking permission.
Each day brings enormous job satisfaction and teaching a complete novice and making them a fully qualified driver is hugely rewarding.
Do any of the following examples apply to you?
You work long hours and you are sacrificing family time
You have no choice over the days you work
You work at weekends when family time is most important
You take holidays when your employer chooses
Your job is unrewarding and you have become stale
You receive no recognition for your efforts
You arrive at work on Monday longing for Friday
You are fed up working for someone else (employer)
You would like to become your own boss and call the shots
You would like to choose the days and hours you work
You would like to work in the local area without commuting
You have an entrepreneurial streak to start your own business
If the answer is YES……..
Then maybe a new career as a Driving Instructor might be the solution for you!
Have I have aroused your interest so far?
If so, you will no doubt have a hundred and one questions regarding the training, the job, the money, the costs and what its actually like working as a driving instructor.
The best possible way for me to give you a completely unbiased and extremely comprehensive view of the industry and what its really like, is to send you a FREE 60-page book.

I became a driving instructor in May 2000 and worked with a national driving school until April 2008.
I then went independent and was very proud to be operating with my name on the tuition vehicle as I build a solid local reputation and I was attracting more work than I could handle.
The reason I mention this is because you may prefer to be in a position where you are working under the umbrella of a driving school, with all your marketing and admin taken care of or you may be the entrepreneurial type that would like to see your own name “in lights” at some stage and that’s absolutely fine of course.
The world, really is your oyster
I have been sending out the books but many that receive and look through the book decide it’s not quite right for them. That’s absolutely fine, at least they explored the possibility rather than simply accept their current situation.
The purpose of the book is not to persuade or convince you in any way but to give you an insight to what may be a solution for you.
Read More Real Stories And Case Studies Of Real Driving Instructors Here.
You have nothing to lose and maybe everything to gain.
Twenty minutes of your time could turn out to be life changing as it was for me!
Your contact and postal details will be used to send the book out to you. They will not be passed to any third party or used for any other reason other than detailed here.